From today you can get your own criminal record from the Ministry of Justice in 3 days - free, fast and online

It's been a long time coming, but the Ministry of Justice has finally moved online today for anyone wanting their own criminal record. The bad old days of printing out and signing and then scanning paper forms, and then waiting for 20 business days or more are over. Now you can get your own criminal record directly from the Ministry of Justice . It's fast (3 working days) and it's free. We were keen to try out the new process, and see how it works, so here goes. It's fast and it's free - but it's of limited use. These are the big points. You can get your own criminal record in 3 days instead of 20, and you don't need to pay a thing. The downside is that the result is of limited use to you, because the result is not cryptographically signed, and there is no secure way for you to share it. It's all very well checking out your own criminal record, but instead it's often a potential employer like an Uber who wants to see your record. Of course you can ...